We are a family of creators, storytellers, and lovers of life.
Directing one acts, new works, and musicals has become a common things for Googie.
He is also a puppeteer, songwriter, musician, and creator. See his work as a company member with Out of Hand Theater.
Performing in plays and musicals since he was a child.
Googie is known as a versatile character actor.
He has been seen on dozens of Atlanta stages as well as in California and
New York.
Deemed one of Atlanta's "most under-used actors," Barbara has acted in over 50 shows at various companies. She develops shows with children an adults as both director and producer. BARBARA'S RESUMES - click here
Over 20 years of teaching in schools, performing arts studios, and theatre companies. From 2011 to 2024, Barbara found her home at Atlanta Girls' School teaching 6th through 12th graders. She is now looking for new opportuniteis to teach kids of any age throughout Atlanta. BARBARA'S RESUMES - click here